Punahou School K-1 Neighborhood
Serving 300 students in grades K – 1, this state-of-the-art facility is comprised of six buildings, integrated with several outdoor learning and play spaces. The Neighborhood features 12 classrooms, a large gathering hall, PE pavilion and outdoor play areas, and a creative learning center with art and music spaces.
Civil engineering services were provided for the kindergarten and first grade facilities, roadway and parking.
Designed to meet LEED Platinum specifications, the Omidyar K – 1 Neighborhood is a model of sustainability not only for facility design, but also for integration of that design into both learning and play.
A signature green design component, the "bioswale" allows for natural rain and storm water drainage, and acts as a teaching tool for kids to see the path of rainwater and its vital role in the ecosystem. A windmill pumps water up so students can release water back down into the bioswale.
Services included